was a terrible one at work. one of the worst for me so far. not because of the work itself but almost everything around. it was hard for me and we will see...(!). and even if it doesn't make it better i wasn't alone. and beside all the shit i very appreciate my favourite colleagues are still around even if different. change and myself... hmpf!
and probably only because of my fucking english and a little state of shock i was forced to shut up and carry on. no idea what would have been better... and fazit again and again, enjoy the here and now, everything can be changed so fast.
questionable |
after rain is sunshine again.
there is something deep in me that is so damn positively happy, i can't help myself.
don't forget to leave
(woah ey, same again... if there is anybody out there knowing how to embed tumblr and soundcloud in this stupid blogger environment, so please...) before then, take this:
<div class="tumblr-post" data-href="https://embed.tumblr.com/embed/post/bk6rHgRG8G3pLZIQQFgqzQ/117760674265" data-did="a8465f753427d77187b01521318739bcab523753"><a href="http://bananaeatsmonkey.tumblr.com/post/117760674265/sometimes-you-resign-but-you-forget-to-leave">http://bananaeatsmonkey.tumblr.com/post/117760674265/sometimes-you-resign-but-you-forget-to-leave</a></div><script async src="https://secure.assets.tumblr.com/post.js"></script>
i've found a new favourite track that saved my life.(ok, it seemed soundcloud and bloggers aren't friends?! pfff)
(in fact i only went out to the dangerous shopping district in my lunch time to exchange quickly a dress to save money... but at this time of week everything was already out of control, so at least i'm well dressed now.)
–- so far no picture yet ––
* to tell the truth, even more than one... (here could be displayed the so called see-no-devil monkey emoji)
i'm still living out of boxes and in a mess but arrived almost home.
and not only this week i'm in love with simple self picked flowers.

it's past 9 pm and still bright... wow!
i found out more where i want to be jobwise bzw. where not.
again and again, there is so much beauty and inspiring in the world, everywhere!
-- here could be displayed one hundred and more pictures --
i was back in the fitness studio course and at my personal limit of condition (as only one). it's a totally new experinece, the second in less of four weeks, beeing the weakest part of a group (such bad condition too). interesting... buuhuuut, in both times i clenched my teeth and finished – somehow. ha!
so week, week 22 2015 to be exactly, i will encounter the insanity with open arms ...and silk.
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