"i want you to do this things and ask for apology afterwards!"
so or similar was the request our bossboss told us. several times. i love him for that.
how should we reach things, be innnovative, be different if there are always borders and so many hurdles needs to be discussed, tested, taken...*
just do it!
i have the feeling, we live in generation full of over cautiousness. especially in study and work realted fields. where is the easiness gone?
our daily life is full of pressure. started already in school if not earlier... (i am a lucky one to have a peaceful kindergarten and primary school time at least). continue with the choice of what's coming next. a wrong decision may be a wrong way forever (so the general feedback). no education degree is equal to a ruin. almost forever it seemed! so we grow up, afraid to have bad score, bad or possibly no degree, bad assessment, bad job. good is not good enough. when we have a job we are afraid too. are we good enough, are we important enough, will we be important enough too if there are bad times coming. we work a lot, do a lot but for what? to be a tiny gearwheel in the factory. nothing more?! we live in a quite strange world somehow.
apprehension kills the easiness!
fear makes you to a captive of yourself.
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