selou fragt
- wird soviel urdeutsches oder jedenfalls den hiesigen klimatischen bedingungen gewachsenes gemüse, wie zb rote beete ( ♥ ), importiert?
- hat man eine bessere schufa, wenn man in raten kauft?
- gibt es im angrenzenden ausland fast nur ausschließlich tampons mit applikatoren?
- ist glück und pech so ungerecht verteilt?
- haben lesben und schwule so wenig miteinander zu tun, partys etc.?
- gibt es in südeuropäischen ländern so viele pharmacies?
- sind servicekräfte in deutschland fast ausschließlich weiblich und zb in spanien fast nur männlich?
- are there so many imports of german vegetables, eg beetroot ( ♥ )?
- do you have a more positive schufa if you are buying on easy terms instead of one time cash?
- are there nearly only tampons with applications available in the neighbouring foreign countries?
- is luck and unluck distributed in such an unfair way?
- is there no connection between lesbian and gays regarding party life etc.?
- are there so many pharmacies in south european countries?
- are waitperson (café/ restaurant...) in germany almost female only and eg spain almost male?
selou fragt,
where is the easiness gone?
"i want you to do this things and ask for apology afterwards!"
so or similar was the request our bossboss told us. several times. i love him for that.
how should we reach things, be innnovative, be different if there are always borders and so many hurdles needs to be discussed, tested, taken...*
just do it!
i have the feeling, we live in generation full of over cautiousness. especially in study and work realted fields. where is the easiness gone?
our daily life is full of pressure. started already in school if not earlier... (i am a lucky one to have a peaceful kindergarten and primary school time at least). continue with the choice of what's coming next. a wrong decision may be a wrong way forever (so the general feedback). no education degree is equal to a ruin. almost forever it seemed! so we grow up, afraid to have bad score, bad or possibly no degree, bad assessment, bad job. good is not good enough. when we have a job we are afraid too. are we good enough, are we important enough, will we be important enough too if there are bad times coming. we work a lot, do a lot but for what? to be a tiny gearwheel in the factory. nothing more?! we live in a quite strange world somehow.
apprehension kills the easiness!
fear makes you to a captive of yourself.
what has inspired you recently?
“what has inspired you recently?” was the question to a big group i was part of this week.
the truth is, i didn’t know an answer. no idea what was more surprising, the fact nothing came into my mind or i could be an inspiredless person somehow. by contrast the others mentioned interesting homepages, passed incidents with other people on their travels or some events in their daily life and work.
i thought and thought and really nothing came into my mind.
i was very relieved that i wasn’t called upon to say something.
such a simple question and my mind is empty…
under the line i was just surprised.
in fact i feel inspired by a lot – from friends and good conversations, observations of others and their conversations, foreigners on the street, public transport, office, wherever… travelling, other cultures, museum, art, internet, tumblrs, good books, simple series, a lot of pictures, fashion… i could continue a few lines more.
but an answer to that simple question… mention something explicit “what inspired you recently” i still couldn’t describe that ONE inspiration.
during the rest of that one day, there were a lot of design presentations. i had time to think and time to do nothing. time to tapping around on my device, time to do some socialising and time to let inspire myself from design presentations. time. time at a moment i have no time.
time passed.
so many things became clear to me, what i should start doing and stop doing, what a great team and company i work with. what we can improve and how we can help each other with the richness of knowledge we all have in ourselves and different teams. what i want to change, what we have to change, what we should change…
“what has inspired you recently?”
i thought about that questions the last days too. i don’t know!
maybe i don’t understand the question right… is there a right understanding necessary at least?
what is inspiration? and regarding what at all?
please be more specific my answer could have been. typically german some colleagues would have thought. Am i maybe creativeless, inspiredless? typically you some friends would have thought.
i am german, i am myself.
so and what has been inspired me recently now?
obviously the question “what has inspired you recently?”.
here a picture i found while i have written this article…
“what has inspired you recently?” was the question to a big group i was part of this week.
the truth is, i didn’t know an answer. no idea what was more surprising, the fact nothing came into my mind or i could be an inspiredless person somehow. by contrast the others mentioned interesting homepages, passed incidents with other people on their travels or some events in their daily life and work.
i thought and thought and really nothing came into my mind.
i was very relieved that i wasn’t called upon to say something.
such a simple question and my mind is empty…
under the line i was just surprised.
in fact i feel inspired by a lot – from friends and good conversations, observations of others and their conversations, foreigners on the street, public transport, office, wherever… travelling, other cultures, museum, art, internet, tumblrs, good books, simple series, a lot of pictures, fashion… i could continue a few lines more.
but an answer to that simple question… mention something explicit “what inspired you recently” i still couldn’t describe that ONE inspiration.
during the rest of that one day, there were a lot of design presentations. i had time to think and time to do nothing. time to tapping around on my device, time to do some socialising and time to let inspire myself from design presentations. time. time at a moment i have no time.
time passed.
so many things became clear to me, what i should start doing and stop doing, what a great team and company i work with. what we can improve and how we can help each other with the richness of knowledge we all have in ourselves and different teams. what i want to change, what we have to change, what we should change…
“what has inspired you recently?”
i thought about that questions the last days too. i don’t know!
maybe i don’t understand the question right… is there a right understanding necessary at least?
what is inspiration? and regarding what at all?
please be more specific my answer could have been. typically german some colleagues would have thought. Am i maybe creativeless, inspiredless? typically you some friends would have thought.
i am german, i am myself.
so and what has been inspired me recently now?
obviously the question “what has inspired you recently?”.
here a picture i found while i have written this article…
english curiosities
take a strong line with sb. –– jdm. gegenüber bestimmt/ energisch auftreten
english curiosities
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