the day after tomorrow i will be off for my first so called future maps team off side. that means instead of working we all will go out for two days somewhere in the nature. very romantic in a castel next to a lake.
everyone should bring any kind of map with a personal or whatever realtionship and talk about around 5 minutes. so i crap (gnihihihihi) ran through my old stuff, found some other interesting souvenirs of the past (i will show them maybe soon) and one old map i want to write about now.
it was end of 2007, i was back from hamburg to karlsruhe again, a shitty town in south germany, and just decided to break off almost everything and move to berlin. in december i flew togehter with a friend for a couple of days to barcelona. just beacause. there i found this map. a costless one. it's with a strong skater related thematic - and i like! everthing fits togheter perfectly, even the advertimsement. there is that map, very reduced and in an very interesting map design, nearly as sketched. from a cartographic point of view very courageous. bravery for a gap (i know that's obviously wrong english...*). anyway. i like the colors, the black and the saturated colors as a kind of accent. find the color story in the map, in the text and a little in the underground map again. at the first moment the small colored areas on the other side of the map look similar to a map key, but with a closer look you can see it's advertisement again. like that kind of interaction.
summarized i can say it's an overall harmonic map design with that "bravery for a gap" regarding the map itself and no need to be always so serious. in one of the text is written "(...) tomorrow will be another day and the route will be different. enjoy it!!". so far.
a few (unperfect**) photos attached:

* sorry for that in general(I have to improve!)
** today i want to be just unperfect
*** why i wrote this: it's my theorteical exercise for my practiacal presentation!